Random Mondayness.

What a blissful chinese new year! Broke my diet and stuffed myself silly with “lor han chai” and bacon bakua.

I think I’ve finally stepped into the marriageable age region. Don’t think I’ve been asked so many times about marriage and wedding by well meaning relatives. How many times do I have to explain to them that there will be no wedding bells unless we’ve gotten a properly decorated house with a porch and a little garden to our names.

Anyway, check out my new qipao. It fits me like a glove and I love it so much! Wore it on the first day of chinese new year, so cliche but what better day to embrace your culture and curves?


Camwhoring with the blue wig I got from Jane (https://www.pinkcube.blogspot.com).

Blue hair.

A bit of contemporariness for a change…

Been shying from camwhoring cause my “ban” cute pics make my skin crawls. But today, f**k it lah.

On another note, I got myself another mirror in the room. The one attached to my closet isn’t very useful as it’s in a badly lit space.

New mirror.

Wow….February 11 already. Time passes so fast these days!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Tue 05/02/2008 20:10 Image092
Tue 05/02/2008 20:10 Image093
Tue 05/02/2008 20:10 Image094

Just got back from dinner with my family. As you can see, we enjoyed a humble ‘lou yee sang’. Remember to always mix the yee sang at the same time with everyone at the table.

Sticking your chopsticks in before others is rude, while doing it after everyone has is bad luck. Why? Well, do you want to be in a situation where you’re left with nothing but hand-me-downs from other people?

Besides, it’s more fun to ‘lou’ together….the higher the better!

Have a fabulous chinese new year!

Spring cleaning time.

Mom’s foot is still a little sore so I’ve been staying at my parents’ to help out with the spring cleaning in time for Chinese New Year. My room was like a war zone with clothes strewn all around the floor. I couldn’t be bothered to unpack and was wearing clothes straight out from the suitcase.


Messy 1.

Ugly sheets
Ugly sheets. Mommy, I’m not four anymore

Messy 2.
Messy 2.



A little better..
A little better….Check out my children’s chair from Tesco. I can sit on it comfortably, thank you very much.

Red sheets ftw.
Red sheets ftw.

And some bad camwhoring for your viewing pleasure…

Kim in PJs that boo will probably hate.
Me in PJs that I’m certain boo will hate. Sorry folks, nothing from La Senza here.

Happy Chinese New Year!