Stressed Maximus

Here I am blogging from my BB again while waiting for my dinner order to come cause I’ve been working the whole day.

What a stressful day for me. Oh well, aren’t all jobs stressful what’s so different from mine or yours? Just want to say how come such terribly incompetent people are capable of securing jobs. They should all be fired and their salaries given to deserving people. It’s better anyway cause the capable people won’t have to waste more time cleaning up the mess created by these idiots.

I hope there’s a Career God cause he seriously need to off the bane of our existence, Tony Soprano style.

By the way, dinner is here:

Project renovating has finally started!

Finally we have appointed a contractor for our house renovation. You will start seeing a lot of postings about its progress, our joy and pains on this blog.

I really can’t wait to move into a home of our own. Can’t wait to cook in my kitchen (you may not know but I really enjoy cooking) and throw a lot of parties. Oh my gawd, can’t wait to finally install a washing machine and have fresh laundry everyday!! Heaven knows how many times I’ve had to dress like a banshee because my clothes were still at the dobi :P

What about suzyganas, my poor Suzuki Swift that has to endure sun, rain and dust on a daily basis parked illegally outside our current rented apartment. But most of all, I can’t wait to start having a family of my own and by that I mean me, the bf and Charlie :D Right now there’s no baby room on the agenda…just a walk-in wardrobe hehe.

Let’s just say I’ve never been so happy seeing a massive rubbish bin :)

For the love of stinky, gooey yellow substance with some pepper and soy sauce.

BF drove like a mad man to Cameron Highlands that we reached there 1.5 hours before everybody else. So we slept in the car right opposite Starbucks in Tanah Rata till one of his friends knocked on the car window. Now the whole world knows what my face looks like when I sleep. I think my mouth always opened one, actually I don’t want to know. Seeing all of them have cameras, I hope none of them took any picture of me with my mouth opened and saliva flowing down my chin on the side -_-

Waking up at such ungodly hours in the morning made me cranky mad woman, but if I were fed properly, started bad can also end well.

And the best thing to feed me is none other than soft-boiled eggs. Who love soft boiled eggs? I do! If I could eat them for breakfast everyday I would.

Toast and soft-boiled eggs.

I love it with my toast, over my rice, noodles & steak.

But above all I love it most on its own <3

And because it makes me so strong I can carry this ginormous lens that weighs about 20kilos (for like 10seconds) and cost the price of a small car.

This is not a filler because I love soft-boiled eggs that much it deserves a dedicated post :P