conversation with my father

this morning i got into a car accident. i was coming out of my parking space and going the opposite direction but while making a u-turn, a wira drove straight into the side of my car. it’s all thanks to this asshole who was waiting in his big truck right next to me car. seeing i had difficulty coming out of my space he still refused to move his truck to give me more space. thanks to his inconsiderate attitude, i couldn’t see the oncoming wira which was in my blind spot and bammm. the rest they say is history.

illustration of a morning motor accident

the first person i called was my dad. not because i’m a daddy’s girl (ok i am) but because my dad has been in the motor claims industry for many years so all our motoring woes have always been settled by dad. lets put it this way, there are no opportunities for workshops or rogue tow truckers to rip me off.

so dad being dad was nagging me about my driving and me being me was fiercely defending myself…

“don’t bluff me, i read your blog and in the past week you have been speeding and making illegal u-turns.”

Daddy – 1, Me – 0.

8 people i avoid working with

at my job, i get a lot of different people pitching proposals to me. i’ve come to realise that i consciously avoid working with certain people:

1. people who have never done their research properly and do not know anything about my company or products.
2. people who do not title their email subjects properly. You know, “VISUAL” “PICTURES” “CONTRACT” “PROPOSAL”. where’s the context, hello?
3. patronising people who keep cutting me off
4. patronising people who keep cutting their colleagues off. yes i know you’re are the boss and you’re probably training him but you shouldn’t keep interrupting the young executive who is doing the presentation.
5. people who are bullshitting me. i’ve heard gems like they’ve got 30,000 unique visitors a day to their website. seriously.
6. people with fake accent who revert back to their neutral voice when they get caught off guard by my questions (refer no.1)
7. people who namedrop profusely
8. people who try to flatter me for favours. i’m sorry, a hundred thousand praises will never be able to top a 15 minute display of professionalism.

i wanted to make a list of 10 but i couldn’t. i guess there are not that many people i don’t like to work with, thank goodness. what about you, what kind of people you can’t work with?