9 thoughts on “:)”

  1. i agree with you about the personal preference towards political matters on your previous entry. seeing the great deal of enthusiasm of people around me doing their bit to the country yet my family chooses to remain neutral. but looking and catching up at the latest news of the situation, i’m a bit disappointed my parents didn’t vote. urgh.

    btw, let’s rejoice! BN has been denied 2/3 of their parliament seat! i still need sauce for this though. hope this news won’t be defeated when i wake up tomorrow. good nite!

    *pardon my lame engrish… imma sleepy vixen*

  2. wow, nice lashes. is eyelash extension bad for your lashes?
    what does it mean by implanted strand by strand?

    mmm…. u look like u’ve lost weight…

  3. yahui: perhaps your parents have personal reasons and i don’t think you should fault them especially if it involves your interest.

    vampireM: yay

    belle: thanks :) implanted as in sticking em on with special glue. i guess it will stress your own lashes in some ways but so far so good. didn’t lose weight lah…all about the angles! heh heh

    jaclyn: heeheh will seriously consider doing so!

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