You don’t need an internet connection!!!

Wow, end of March. How time passed. Hurm, actually this is a filler. I made a pact with myself to blog everyday of the week except the weekend and I’ve successfully stuck to that for the past 3 weeks. So yes, although I’ve completely nothing to blog about, am going to post this up anyway…while I’m still outside having dinner no less. WordPress on blackberry ftw!

Anyway back to this current post, like I said, I’ve nothing to write about…but I did have a very interesting conversation with my mom this afternoon. She was having trouble logging onto her twitpic account and after some sherlock holmes style investigation, I was pretty sure she got her password wrong. Mom, however was very insistent that she had typed the correct password so I told her to change her password which obviously got us to a dead-end, cause she couldn’t see the damn password change link.

Anyway, I began to teach her how to check her twitter password (which is same with twitpic) on her internet browser (firefox), telling her to click Tools then Options etc etc. But mom was like “It’s raining here in Genting, the celcom broadband is shitttt now”. So I gently explained to her that she didn’t need an internet connection to find out the settings on her browser but mom was like “You don’t understand is it? Internet down, nothing is loading!”. So I repeated myself again that she didn’t need any internet connection to do what I was about to teach her. At this point, mom has begun to sound exasperated by it all. And honestly, I found it so tragic and hilarious I was stifling laughter while walking her through it, hehehe.

However, about 10minutes of back and forth later I didn’t find it so funny anymore :P I had to calm mom down and basically raised my voice at mom without accidentally cussing. MOM, YOU DON’T NEED INTERNET CONNECTION TO CHECK THE SETTINGS ON YOUR BROWSER. IGNORE THE CIRCLING THING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIREFOX. LOOK UP! LOOK UP! TOOLS IS SAME ROW WITH FILES! LOOK UP! LOOK UPPPP!

Then she quietened down and next I heard on the phone was “Oohh”. OMG, I was relieved beyond comprehension.

And after it was all done (obviously she hadn’t typed in the correct password earlier), she thanked me on where else, but Twitter :)

I have an imaginary fiancee

I had a weird dream. In it I was in a family gathering where I was meeting up with my fiancee’s family members and friends for the 1st time. The thing is I have completely no freakin’ idea who this fiancee was. I mean, I could see his face and all but I have never met and do not know who this person is in real life. I know his name is Nicholas because in the dream, his “friend” came to me and said jokingly, “Ah! So you’re Nicholas’ housewife!”.

But I remember an intense feeling of love and attachment towards this Nicholas whom I do not know or have met in real life. I have to be frank it is damn weird because I woke up still feeling rather attached this Nicholas who is a figment of my imagination and suddenly everything in my real life didn’t seem matter so much. Have you ever felt like this before?

It’s so unnerving now because now I feel like perhaps my life is not going where it’s supposed to be but in the dream I felt utter contentment and peace. I’m talking crazy now. The boyfriend (the one in real life) would probably feel pissed off reading this but I think it’s better that I’m cheating on an imaginary lover than a real person :P

What the fuck is wrong with me??

And I thought long and hard about revealing this and in the end, I thought what the heck I might as well. My imaginary fiancee, Nicholas looked like a younger version of Sam Elliot -_-

SPM fever

I was thinking of a semi-interesting filler to post up but couldn’t. Work is really draining me mentally but that said, I’ve never been happier. Anyway, while stalking random people on Facebook, I stumbled upon a set of pictures.




Ladies & gentlemen, these are pictures of my youngest brother, Nicklaus, doing some last minute cramming for SPM. Captured secretly by his bunch of friends.

Knowing my brother, the progression of the pictures really cracked me up. Cause it’s just so him. Semangat and then no semangat already hahaha.

Well my brother, it’s great that you’re putting effort into acing the exams but let it be known that regardless of the results I will still love you very much. However, you’re paying everything yourself once you hit 18, just saying…