Bad passport pictures.

Throughout the years, I’ve taken so many passport pictures that ended up not being used.

The reason why I’ve kept them is because I can be constantly reminded how not to smile, do hair etc when taking the all-important passport pictures.

What I’m going to do here is post some of my worst passport pictures and it took me a long time to summon up enough courage to do this :P You’re in luck because I had nothing to blog about.

Continue reading Bad passport pictures.


Booby Trap @ FHM has been updated. Cheers :)

Hope you’ll enjoy reading the stories. Let me know your thoughts here!


A conversation with the boo..

Boo: What do you want for dinner?

Me: I dunnnoo..what do you feel like?

Boo: I dunno too…do you want to bring food back so we can watch tele and eat or eat outside?

Me: I about we cook something?

Boo: Yeah, can also, we have some pasta and sauce and onions.

Me: Cool…I think we’ve got bacon stashed somewhere too. Do you feel like cooking?

Boo: Nope.

Me: Oh..lets eat out then.

Boo: So by “we cook” you mean I cook?

Me: Yeap.