My 10 #confessionsofamom

I have already posted this #confessionsofamom that has been going around on Dayre on my account. Thought I would replicate it here.

And so I have unceremoniously plagiarised my own content for this blog. Hehehehe.

1. I only give Liam a bath every 2 days since he was born. Coz his paed said it’s okay and I am far too lazy to do it everyday.

You should give me more baths mommy cause I love it!

2. I hardly feed Liam’s fresh food. I blitz them into mush and freeze them and just break off a piece whenever I cook his porridge.

Frozen vege mush.

3. Speaking of his food, Liam still hasn’t tasted meat or fish. I just squeeze oil out of fish oil pills or put a couple of teaspoons of coconut/olive oil into his porridge to compensate for the healthy fats :P

What do you mean I am a vegetarian!?

4. I have pretended to sleep till Gareth had to wake up to rock Liam to sleep when he was a newborn.

Haven’t always been this peaceful.

5. After he was born, I didn’t want to see Liam yet cause I wasn’t “feeling it” but husband forced me to cause he believes mom and child should meet immediately if not within 24 hours. I am glad he forced me.

6. Our walking path is on a small hill accessible by stairs at a distance. But am too lazy, so I just tread up the side of the hill to get to walking path, while wearing Liam.

What the hell mom? Use the damn stairs!!!!

7. I hate cutting Liam’s nails so I don’t do it very often. I wish I could let him wear mittens till he’s old enough to cut his own nails.

8. I don’t really read to Liam (coz he keeps trying to eat them books wtf) but I try to speak to him like an adult (no babytalk) to make up for his lack of hmm intellectual advantage.

9. I listen to really loud EDM even when baby’s around. I should probably chill on this.

10. Did a number 2 when Liam was 3 months old while baby wearing him.

Okay, I actually don’t have time to look for an accompanying picture for every confession. So, lets just end with this one:

You’ve been a very naughty mummy.

8 reasons my son Liam is crying

Kids. One minute he is all lovey dovey and touching your face with his saliva drenched hand, the next minute he’s wailing like you just cut off his finger.

When he’s had his milk, his nap and in clean, fresh diapers yet still crying…take a deep breath and take pictures so that in 15 years you can embarrass him on the interwebs.

Behold, 8 reasons why my son cries:

1. This walker stinks.

2. This highchair stinks.

3. Carrots stink.

4. This dog stinks.

5. This changing station stinks.

6. This carseat stinks.

7. This steering wheel stinks.

8. Mummy, you stink!

Very attractive, son.

Sorry Liam, you brought this upon yourself.

How I am coping with not eating dairy.

Those who know me know that the bottom of my food pyramid is actually dairy. When I was living abroad at one time, my diet consisted of just blue cheese + grapes and muesli + milk for a whole year cause I didn’t have anyone to nag me.

I love everything dairy – real butter, full cream milk, whipping cream, whipped cream, clotted cream, all cheeses, ice cream, yogurt, as long as it’s dairy I will love it.

Often times, I tried to substitute milk in recipes with whipping cream because I crave for that milky aroma. When it works, it works like a dream but when it doesn’t…it’s really quite horrid. So, please, do not use whipping cream to make custard and do not pour it into tea. Sorry I have digressed.

Then I started breastfeeding Liam. He would puke after every feed, more often than not, projectile style. At first, I suspected it’s the chillies I had been eating, so I cut that out of my diet.

Still he was vomitting. It was always accompanied by a pained expression on his face, stretched-out back and he would also throw his arms and legs out a lot, all signs of pain :(

I think I kind of suspected dairy as the main culprit but I didn’t want to believe it. As a matter of fact, I had been eating an unusual amount of dairy shortly after giving birth to him.

A slice of red velvet cake almost daily, milk with my tea everyday, hot cocoa with whipped cream several times a week and the worst of it all, I was spraying whipped cream into my mouth multiple times a day because I LOVE IT.

Yeap, this scene in Mad Men was me. I hear you Betty Draper.

So yeah, it’s time to cut dairy out.

I mean I could always use soy milk and coconut milk to replace cow’s milk. Heck I’ve even used coconut cream as a substitute for whipped cream and as for butter…I’m using this amazing brand of margarine called Nuttelex. I swear it tastes better than our regular Lurpak!

Why Nuttelex? All the other cheaper local margarines have some kind of dairy derivatives in them. Nasty stuff.

I can’t believe it’s not butter.

Anyway, I could find replacements for most dairy except for ice cream. I thought of sorbet, but it’s just not the same is it?

I really, really missed ice cream :(

Then I remembered this appliance that I bought on a whim from a group buy site that’s been sitting collecting dusts in our cabinet.

It’s the Yonana! FYI, the one I got is an OEM model, but am pretty certain it’s the same exact machine.

The Yonana.

I’ve had it for more than a year but only took it out to play recently. All that was needed were two frozen bananas and some frozen strawberries. Thaw the fruits for about 5 minutes.

Then, put them through the machine. It came out slightly mushy at first…

And then the magic happened.

Perfectly cold, soft-serve ice cream minus the sugar, dairy and additives. The best damn soft-serve ice cream I have ever had!

So I think I can finally believe myself when I say I could do this dairy-free diet for a year more. Who knows, I might even stop eating dairy then.

Hmmmm, maybe not.

p/s: You can check out all my recipes with dairy here.