Big Mac Chant

Jeng jeng jeng! Do the Big Mac Chant and stand a chance to win RM10,000!

When I was in high school, I used to eat Big Mac every Friday because:

1. I could leave school earlier on Fridays.
2. Big Mac’s the only thing I knew how to order!

For a couple of years I wasn’t inclined to order anything else other than Big Mac. Why bother, how much better could it get, right? It is still one of the best burgers around and certainly deserves its own chant!


Two All-Beef Patties,
Special Sauce, Lettuce,
Cheese, Pickles, Onions
On A Sesame Seed Bun!

Hmm, the special sauce. HMMMMM HMMMM HMMMM!

Here’s my shot at winning RM10,000…..having the burger and eat it too so to speak. Presenting….the Big Mac Chin Chant.

So, all you have to do is to take a video of yourself doing the Big Mac Chant and upload it to Then, email the URL of your video and your contact number to

The judging is by popularity (40%) and by McDonald’s judges (60%).

Find out more, view the current entries and stand a chance to win RM10,000 at

Contest is valid only until May 28 2008.

Kimberlycun lunches with Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant

In conjunction with St. Patrick’s Day, Bossa Nova (Parkroyal Hotel), Bulldog, Sevenatenine, Delaney’s, Nikko Hotel and Jarrod & Rawlins are participating in Guinness Draught Infused Food Creation Contest, serving their very own Guinness-inspired dishes throughout the month of March. All the Guinness-inspired fare will be judged by Chef Emmanuel Stroobant of Asia Food Channel’s Chef in Black.

Thanks to the good folks from Guinness, I was able to sit down for lunch with the celebrity Chef himself, Emmanuel Stroobant at Jarrod & Rawlins. He was there to evaluate the food creation by Jarrod & Rawlins and I was just there to get starstruck, eat and be merry :)

Guinness Stout.
Guinness Stout.

The chef from Jarrod & Rawlins whipped up some Guinness ribs from scratch while Chef Stroobant watched on. I’m all for open kitchen concept cause watching your food meticulously put together by a chef is a wonderful experience.

Kitchen kungfu.
Kitchen kungfu.

Chef Stroobant shared with me his judging method for all the participating outlets. He has about a dozen categories ranging from hygiene to creativity which he would rank between 1-10, 1 being poorest and 10 being exceptional. He showed me the scores of the other participating restaurants he has ranked in his moleskin notebook.

It was very interesting….I shall not divulge who pwns who aye!

Chef Emmanuel observes.
Chef Emmanuel Stroobant evaluates.

Grilling the ribs, baby.

The ribs were pretty good, the meat was juicy and very well flavoured. And I absolutely love the contrast of taste courtesy of the diced beetroot. I hope they will continue to serve the dish after March.

Hearing the little voice calling out for a perfect pint of Guinness yet? Well, then head on to Guinness St. Patrick’s Festival this Saturday, 15th March 2008 at Plaza Mont’ Kiara because starting from 5pm, the first 1000 party guests will get a free pint of Guinness!

Guinness St. Patrick's Festival.
Guinness St. Patrick’s Festival

Of course, for the weight watching ladies, there’s always the hotness that is Chef Emmanuel Stroobant as a reason to go to the carnival ;)

Chef Emmanuel Stroobant.
Chef Emmanuel Stroobant.

p/s: I’m still waiting for my picture with him. Will post it up as soon as I got it!