Resolutions for 2013.

Last year, I made a list of resolutions for 2012 and now it’s time to see if I had managed to achieve any.

My resolutions for 2012 and their statuses:

1.I vow to strike out all the unfulfilled resolutions in 2011 (all 6 of them).

Pimp up my ride (change the body kit, put in a sweet stereo system, install anti-roll bar, noise-proofing, maybeeee repaint :D).
Nope :( but… :)

Drive to Thailand.
We’ve done that! But obviously it’s the hubs who did the driving. I’m going to do it this year though.

Dive in Philippines.
Nope :( We did dive in Indonesia so that’s good. We’ve got a diving trip planned in May 2013 as well it’s very near Philippines but still consider Malaysia haha.

Get proper singing lessons (because I don’t want to waste these great genes, ahem).
Not yet…too chickenshit :(

Get proper sewing lessons (so I can sew in a straight line).
Honestly, I think I’ve lost the interest in sewing.

Run everyday (so Charlie can run instead of walk alongside me, so my heart can be strong & healthy despite the truck load of pork I’ll be consuming and finally, so money on that treadmill won’t be burnt :P)

2. I vow to get my eyesight fixed with Lasik.
DONE! This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. To read about my lasik experience, go here.

3. I vow to make a crockenbouche.
Crap! I didn’t really make crockenbouche T_T but I did make choux pastry so technically am halfway there!

4. I vow to take care of my hair a little better than I normally do.
I guess? I am using virgin coconut oil for my hair these days…seems to work cause my hair is less frizzy!

5. I vow to travel more.
Not as much as I prefered but I did get out of the country a few times.

6. I vow to print and hang pictures on our currently empty walls.
Yikes! 2 years in this house and we haven’t actually done that :P

7. I vow to read at least one book a month.
I kept it up for about half a year….then failed :P

8. I vow to be positive and optimistic.
Not bad :)

9. I vow to be forgiving and patient.
Yes and no. I was very unforgiving and impatient towards certain people. I dropped two people permanently off my life cause life is too short to hang out with people that mess with your bliss.

10. I vow to be grateful and thankful for everything, no matter how trivial.
Glad to say I pretty much stuck to that. It is a very rewarding feeling.

11. Dig a hole in my backyard so when the world ends, I can hide in it.
You know how that turned out..

So what are my resolutions for 2013?

1. Take my mummy on a vacation
2. Get fitter (I know right, how cliched)
3. Dive in the Philippines (of course!)
4. Make a crockenbouche (I will really this time!)
5. Travel more. (Duh)
6. Start a bliss business (by that I mean something that is completely not profit oriented but I’d just do it because it makes me happy)
7. Have bi-monthly mini vacations with my girlfriends. (You all reading this?)
8. Get singing lessons! (Which means I need to get some balls too)
9. Get my teeth straightened (Am not too sure actually about this, cause I am completely put off by not being able to eat ferociously from my recent wisdom tooth extraction surgery T_T but vanity might just overcome this….)
10. See my family more regularly.

Have a good year, peeps!

My 2012 – in a large nutshell.

For tradition’s sake, I should write about my 2012. It’s the biggest year of my life obviously because I got married but it’s also possibly the most boring year thanks to stressful wedding preparation. Like the previous years, I will note down the single most interesting thing for each month..starting with January.


It’s generally a quiet month it seemed. The only remotely interesting thing was TV3 crew coming to my house to shoot me cooking a Chinese New Year reunion dinner for some show.

# – TV3 in da hous.


Took a short trip to Southern Thailand with both our moms. It was a really fun trip! No momzilla catfights lol

# – With Mummy and Mom.

We ate and shopped a lot..I got my precious Anolon Professional pans from this trip too. By the way, I am not an ambassador for the brand…I just really love the pans!


March was a possibly the most interesting month for the year. I took Gareth to Pulau Weh for his birthday. We also went scuba diving during this trip – our first and final dive trip for the year :( Must really make it up next year!

# – At Ulee Lheu port to take ferry to Pulau Weh.

I got LASIK done at Optimax.

# – Optimax for my Custom All Laser Lasik.

You probably noticed though that both updates were not posted in the right month, but much later in April + May.

So yeah, March is probably the start of my downhill slide as an active blogger. I did post about learning how to curl my hair with socks if you’re interested. Hehe.

# – Economical way to curl hair with socks (clean ones).


I went to Hanoi, Vietnam for a visit to communities with famine issues.

# – A mother and child in one of the stricken communities.

The trip was not on easy one for me…there was a lot of walking and climbing in hot & humid weather. The food, while considered luxurious by their standards as we were guests; were honestly bland and not to my taste.

By the 2nd day, I was gagging to be at home. It was truly an eye-opening experience…I am forever humbled.

Our last day was spent in the city though, so I had more of a tourist fun. Managed to eat a boiled duck featus still in its egg for the first time…very delicious.

# – Eating Hot Vit Lun.


Nothing much happened this month…which was why I was free enough to make a 3D horse lamp for my staircase landing lol. It’s still hanging on our wall and going strong by the way.

# – My 3D horse lamp.

The steel wires have gotten a little rusty now but I think it adds on to the entire look hehe.


6 out of 8 posts in this month were advertorials. Sorry T_T

All I can say is that I put in effort in writing my advertorials and they are actually worth reading!

Other than most significant activity for June 2012 was making mac & cheese. Haha. Do try it…it’s good!

# – My version of mac & cheese.


My favourite month because it’s the month that I was born in!

I went to Krabi for hubby’s company retreat.

# – Chilling out at Sheraton Krabi.

# – Spotted this in a 7-11 haha.

And then….it was straight to Bangkok for my surprise birthday trip arranged by Gareth :)

# – At our favourite hotel, Shanghai Mansion in BKK.

Also…you might like to check out my fangirl blog post to Mr. Tom Cruise hehehe.

# – Tom Cruise’s religion is my religion?


3 months to the wedding. This was the month where I had lots of things done. We also managed to choose our wedding bands!

# – Our wedding bands.

I am so glad G went with a simple platinum band cause he was utterly consumed by his inner Kepong Ah Beng! He wanted a mixture of rose gold lah, grooves lah, patterns lah as we went from shop to shop OMG!

I mean I am all for his Ah Beng ness since I did grow up in Cheras….but NAH AH for something he’s wearing for life OI! Luckily his good taste managed to find its way home…afterall he did marry me haha.


I went to Melbourne, Australia for a short work trip. Nothing much…I don’t know why it’s always work related for me when it comes to Australia!

I did go for a nice dinner degustation style though.

# – Eating the cute wallaby…so delicious!

I also shopped and ate a little more. I need a full day at Queen Victoria’s Market.

# – Sausagefest at QVM.

We also took our pre-wedding studio pictures in September. We had fun :)

# – Snap snap.


Went to Legoland in Johor! I was fully covered because I didn’t want to be tanned at my wedding. I think I was successful!

# – Lego giraffes.

Also, went for a hen’s getaway with my bridesmaids to Cherating! My maid of honour Sin Loo found us a nice villa with a private pool. We had loads of fun but not appropriate for blogging haha, so no blog post about it :P

# – One picture from that night. They tried to strip me!!!! Picture by Haze.

And of course…we got married :) Still no full blog post because I have no time! Soon! I will write about every single detail!

# – With both our families.


It was a weird month

My car broke down..not once but twice. Once on NKVE (blogged) another time in Ipoh (unblogged) T_T

# – Suzy being worked on.

I was also rushed to the emergency because I had a crippling cramp. Thought I was going to die.

# – :(

Not all was bad though…we received our respective Samsung Note 2 from a dear friend/brother from another mother.

# – Woohoo!

By far the best phone I’ve ever used..the battery life is astounding; I only charge once a day and I am a pretty heavy user. The screen is big but I got used to it quite quickly. It is awesome watching videos and browsing on such a big screen!


I have officially known Gareth for more than 8 years! I can’t believe we forgot about our dating anniversary for 2 weeks haha. We have since decided to stick to our wedding day for anniversary celebrations.

This is also Xmas month! Love it! We had our annual Xmas Dinner at the Davieses..which I obviously haven’t blogged about yet.

This year we had even more people around…34. I had to buy 2 extra foldable tables (on top of the 2 from last year) to extend our dining table and 10 more stools. But not everyone was on time so it ended up quite comfortable haha.

I cooked loads..but unlike last year, I wasn’t really frazzled at all. I didn’t even make a work schedule, I was that confident :) Definitely going to blog about it when I have time T_T

New Year’s Eve was spent running around frantically looking for a dentist because my mild tootheache exploded into a pain that rendered me sleepless. I sobbed a little too it was so bad.

When I finally found one, she refused to work on me cause apparently my impacted wisdom tooth was pushing against my 2nd molar, causing decay. But because the wisdom tooth roots were too near to my nerve canal and there’s risk of nerve damage…she refered me to an oral & maxillofacial surgeon for the extraction.

# – Check out my sideway parking wisdom tooth on my lower jaw.


So I saw the surgeon and he told me that in his career, he has never encountered permanent nerve damage from wisdom tooth removal but there’s of course risk. Also, my bone loss in the jaw area wouldn’t affect my appearance (which was my biggest concern..I don’t mind a numb face…..but I would mind a numb Popeye face!).

So he took it out. It was my very first tooth extraction in my entire life. It wasn’t really that painful, but I teared from some self-pitying haha.

# – Right now I look like half of David Coulthard.

I guess it wasn’t really a bad year hahaha. I travelled a bit, cooked less but still a decent amount and had our beautiful wedding :)

Health-wise was and still a little dodgy but that’s what age does to you I guess. I embrace it and will learn to live with it. I am looking for a Yoga kaki now…

Happy New Year 2013!


To read about my highlights in previous years, click:

2011 (this one was a cheat, honestly was too broke saving for the house until no activities hahaha)

Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year 2013!

I want to blog more about the past year, what I had done, what I had achieved and of course about the wedding and all. But…that have to wait for now.

2012 was pretty good to me, although my health did take some beating at the end of it.

In fact, right now am still feeling fuzzy in the head with painkillers and antibiotics and not to mention, a little scared…but hopefully I’ll get better soon. Must stay positive aye!

Hope you’ve had a good year and here’s to an even better year!