Getting MyKad and loving the land I spilt my blood on.

After Mom nagged me for the umpteenth time, I decided to go settle my problem that was MyKad. The boyfriend was to accompany me for the trip to the underbelly of the civil service. Initially, I wanted him to wake up at 6.30am but all I got was a “curt” response, so to speak. So after lazing in the bed for half the day, at 2pm yesterday, I called up the HQ of National Registration Department to find out if there were any queue number left. She answered in the positive. We made lunch, ate them and prepped up. Finally, around 2.30pm we made our way to Putrajaya.

We reached Putrajaya around 3pm.

turning onto mainroad

The almost deserted city of Putrajaya.

The signages weren’t very well placed in Malaysia’s centre of administration and we got a bit lost for a while trying to locate the office. Bf (being a man and all) requested that I ask for directions from a shaddy looking man driving a school van. I was a bit hesitant, but I did anyway and discovered that the dude gave the clearest directions. Never judge a book by its cover!

found JPN!

We found JPN!

The MyKad department is at the 2nd floor. I knew of the place from a kind member of staff who saw me wandering aimlessly on 1st floor. I didn’t get lost because I didn’t understand Bahasa Malaysia, but the language used were so bombastic that I had no freakin’ idea what they’re saying.

queue number

Only 2 people ahead of me. W00t!

I was relieved to find that the office was not very packed. I’m guessing it’s because it was an odd time and a weekday.

thumb print

Getting my thumb print. No more dirty ink!

It was my turn before I knew it. She typed in my IC number and double confirmed with me every data on my profile. I gave her my driving license and told her that I wanted to store it on MyKad. Instead of taking my driving license, she showed me another window which detailed the information on my driving license. Next she showed me the details of my passport. Such evidence of data integration suddenly got me really proud of my country.

Oh, and I had to pay RM10 as a penalty for missing the deadline last year. No complaints there cause I thought it was RM30. I indicated where I want my MyKad to be collected and proceeded to have my picture taken. I was glad that they had a mirror installed on the camera so I could watch how I looked like. No more ugly IC picture days :) I am to call them after a month to see if the card will be ready for collection. And that was all, only about 15 minutes of my life spent in a government office.

With more time to kill, we decided to do some sightseeing in Putrajaya. I had a field time playing the homegirl role.

KL Girl

I am the KL Girl.

Malaysia Boleh

Malaysia Sure Boleh!

Tanah tumpahnya darahku
