We’re gonna party like it’s your birthday.

Party to celebrate Margie‘s birthday on Saturday night at KY‘s place was a blast. Never had I gotten so many ugly, shocking and incriminating pictures taken on one single night. But it’s all fun and I’ll do it again and again and again and again…

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God, ST, moi, Horny Carol, birthday goddess Margie and Lynn.

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Just an idea of how wild the party was.

Check out the pictures at Suan‘s and Cass‘. If you looked carefully, you might just notice some hardcore porn showing on tv.

p/s: ST and KY, will you two put up the pictures already?

pp/s: Oh, and I finally got my car horn fixed. It’s crazy expensive but damn loud like lorry ok. My gem sponsored me. Don’t hate me cause I’m a lucky girl.

Mini reunion.

Chris, 5 Science 1’s resident hunk was back for a break from his medical pursuit. We decided to get together for lunch. As usual, I overslept and knowing me, he gave me a wakeup call. And knowing Jayna and Jason, I gave them a wakeup call. Hehehe. It was fun, just like old times.

First up are the food, of course. How can I resist?

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Rice covered with yummy, creamy, cheesy stuff.

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Peanut butter french toast.

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Fish burger.

Now, the faces who showed up….

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All of us.

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The Chris and the Jayn.

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The Pauline and the Jason.

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The Chris and the I.

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The Jason and the I.

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Pauline and Chris.

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Me and my hot chica.

It’s really awesome to meet up with old friends. It’s sad that many have drifted away. Some have gotten new friends, some too busy with work, some have left elsewhere for studies and a few who mysteriously vanished. It’s weird how a great friendship could be reduced into nothingness for no reason. Yes, you hear me. No reason. I have stopped giving a damn. If you are not bothered with our friendship, I have definitely no reason to be bothered with you. My only wish is that you live your life happily, surrounded by people who actually love you (rather than just stupid or ugly enough to not shake your pitiful self-esteem). Good luck.


Went to Station One with LooLoo. Then we saw YingYing and Pauline sitting at a table behind us. So we group up, the more the merrier. Feel proud of myself for refraining from ordering any food. Yay.

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LooLoo and moi.

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Pauline and moi. Damn I look chunky :P

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LooLoo and YingYing.

Jayn‘s going to have exam soon, so good luck babe *mwahs* Hope we’ll all graduate with kickass results and earning our 5 figure income by 30….no, make that 25!!!!!!!!!! Fuck the statistics, by the way.