Random Snippets

Am blogging from my crackberry again. I can’t remember the last time I blogged from a proper computer. Been really busy since last week.

You probably are aware that we’re in the midst of moving houses. As we live only 5 minutes from our new place, we’re taking unusually long time to move out. In the day, we cleaned the new house, coordinate some deliveries of furniture etc and hang out enjoying the swiftness of Unifi (w00t) but when night comes we bid sad goodbyes to our humble abode before heading back to our rented apartment and coconut husk mattress on the floor.

This will change very soon though as our bed (and the guest room’s) is being transported to us at this very moment. Which means we can finally sleep in a real bed, one that I could actually hang my legs over without touching the floors. I am simply overwhelmed /sniffs

# – Oooh the beds are here!! Wheeeeee

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Cheese Massage?

“Volcano Massage” is a pretty common sight. I don’t really know what it is but I figured it must be a metaphorical term for some sort of explosion of…….emotions.

But “Cheese Massage”? What is it!? Is cheese even involved in any part of the process??

# – Would you fancy a cheese massage?

Anybody care to enlighten me?

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.