Red tide.

This was supposed to be a private post but I feel like I need to share it because it’s important. Initially I try to post only positive things about my pregnancy but the truth is, the thought that the worst could happen is always at the back of my head.

I don’t mean to say I am incapacitated by a constant fear for the worst but I feel like somehow publicly acknowledging that I have problems with my first pregnancy, along with the great things about it (better hair, better skin, better moods, etc) that I will be able to show a more realistic situation.

When I was about to hit the 3 month mark, something really scary happened, which I have written in length below. I am close to 6 months pregnant now and everyday I am thankful that I could feel every kick and movement from my baby.


It was 9 March 2014, 1pm. As soon as I looked down, my body went cold. Staring back at me was what used to be my pristine white panties, now stained with brownish, reddish stains.

I called out for Gareth, he rushed into our bathroom. I could see his face crumbled upon seeing what I had just seen.

We had been anticipating the end of the week as it marked the beginning of my 12-week pregnancy – the end of my 1st trimester. This was supposed to be the safe time to announce one’s pregnancy. We were so excited to finally be able to openly share our good news. We planned to make the announcement on Gareth’s birthday.

Suddenly, all our plans seemed a million years away. I was so confused. I felt numb but at the same time, I had to keep telling myself that this is common and it happens to many people.

It’s common, it’s common, it’s common…and yet, I felt numb. I told G we had to go to the hospital.

It was a Sunday and the O&G section had its shutters down. I was disappointed as I thought hospitals were supposed to operate 24/7. We decided to head to the emergency room instead.

There was quite a crowd. “I am pregnant and I am bleeding”, I told the young man behind the counter. I was whisked to the back of the emergency room almost immediately.

They gave me a basic check-up and then they told me my obgyn was on the way. She arrived from home 1/2 hour later.

She started giving me an ultrasound. As soon as I saw the image on the screen – the outline of a fetus with a tiny beating heart and fingers, tears started welling up in my eye. I dreaded what my doctor was going to tell me next – that our baby would start leaving my body.

Instead, she said the baby looked great, and I had no clots around my uterus which was a good sign. She told me I am suffering from a condition called “threatened miscarriage” and nobody, not even doctors know exactly why it happens. What she can do is give me some progesterones and a lot of rest. I was due to see her in another week.

Husband and I made jokes about how his Welsh blood would make the baby extra strong and that he or she would stick all the way to September (my due date).

It’s been two days since the terrible day. I am still spotting but I’ve never soaked through one sanitary pad per day, which to me is really good. In fact, I’ve never had any unusual cramp.

A moment ago though, while doing the number 2, I painlessly passed the largest lump of dark blood clot since I started spotting a couple of days ago. It’s the sized of a dried sliced apricot. This episode shook me a little.

We decided against going to the emergency, because I am not in pain and honestly there is nothing I can do if my body decides to purge it. We are just hoping for the best.


A week after I wrote the above, I stopped bleeding. Doc gave me another scan and confirmed everything was okay. We went on to announce the pregnancy and I even went clubbing at Velvet (hah, don’t know how to die right?).

Since, my confidence about this pregnancy increased daily. Everytime I looked down onto my panties and saw nothing, I’d say a little atheist prayer.

A couple of months passed and a few days ago, it happened again. Spots of blood on my panties and in the toilet. Sigh.

That dreadful feeling came back, the questions and the constant googling about losses at this advanced stage. In the end I decided that I need to calm my shit down. We didn’t even go to the emergency room, I have done enough reading to know that as long as I’m not gushing blood and not having severe cramps being at the emergency room won’t help.

Thankfully, the spotting has reduced significantly. I am hoping it’s just a pattern – something that happens to me as I enter a new trimester. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of keeping me humble. It sure is effective.

My 2013 in a large nutshell

The time has come to review my 2013. What a good year! We travelled a bit, cooked a bit and generally figured out more about life.

Rather than rambling on, here goes:

January 2013

January started out really, really well. A bunch of good friends and the husband got together to give me the surprise of a lifetime. They rented my wedding gown again for me and gave me a new bridal photoshoot as on my chaotic wedding day there weren’t any proper picture of me in my gown.

# – Trying out my wedding gown, again :)

These aren’t just friends to me, they are family.

February 2013

Chinese new year fell in February. It’s our first year as a married couple so we had to give out double red packets to every unmarried friend and family member.

# – Packing angpows.

March 2013

March was a really quiet month, blogging-wise. There were no postings, other than advertorials. We did go to Bali for the husband’s birthday in March and blogged a little about it in here and here. It was both our first time. We finally mustered up the courage to visit Bali only after we’re married because of the famous Bali break-up curse lol.

# – With hubs.

# – With babi guling.

# – At Tanah Lot.
kimberlycun bali

Wasn’t our best holiday to be honest. There was so much driving and getting stuck in the jam. And the weather was so hot. I made the mistake of trying to cramp in too many things at one go and ended up getting stuck in the car most of the time. Next time, we will stick to staying at only one area.

April 2013

Finally saw The Prodigy live for the first time ever at FMFA! T_T It was surreal!!!

# – With the hubs at FMFA.

# – # – Keith Flint on the gigantic screen.

Also helped to cook a Star Wars themed menu for Mike’s birthday.

# – Star Wars menu.

May 2013

Took the 2nd best holiday of the year, a diving trip to Pom Pom Island in Sabah. I really miss it. Had such a great time diving and just chilling.

# – Sun, sea and beach!

Voted for the first time. And went to a political rally for the first time, didn’t blog about this..only instagram. Definitely a life-changing experience.

# – Indelible ink ah? lol.

# – Black 505.

It’s also the month I embarked on journey to perfect teeth. Put dental braces on after years of contemplation.

# – Gigi besi.

June 2013

Took mom to my favourite city in the world – Bangkok. We had such a great time, shopping, eating and massaging for 5 whole days :)

# – Suppertime with mom in BKK.

July 2013

This is my favourite month because it’s my birthday month! Whenever there’s special occasions like Valentine’s Day, birthdays or Xmas, we celebrate it for a whole week. So, I got to have a birthday week where my husband indulged me in whatever I wanted to do or eat.

# – Happy birthday to me!

I had my deep-fried pork intestines in KL, had copious amount of Japanese food…yums yums. Got to sing karaoke too, hehe.

# – LOVEEEEEEEEEE Japanese food!

I was feeling so loved up this month so I was able to write two comprehensive posts about our wedding :) Part 1 here and
part 2 here. Also blogged about our Registration of Marriage day here.

Also made my first instagram video…

# – Me in my element.

August 2013

The most exciting month for the year. We embarked on our epic Eurotrip #kimgaretheeurotrip

9 countries in 21 days…England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. It was such an awesome holiday we had quite bad post-holiday withdrawal.

# – On the White Cliffs of Dover in England.

September 2013

This is the month of nursing our emotions back to health. We had such a great holiday that being back home seemed so incredibly depressive – all the traffic jam, no manners Malaysians, hot weather, humidity felt much worse than they really were.

I tried to cheer myself up by doing some baking. Baking always does the trick for me. Made Hokkaido Chiffon cakes.

# – Hokkaido chiffon cakes.

October 2013

This month I started to think about having babies :P We’re not trying but letting nature takes its course. It’s also our 1st wedding anniversary on 27th October :)

November 2013

We went to Malihom, Penang as a 1st anniversary getaway. It was so, so nice :)

# – At Malihom’s pool.

December 2013

The happiest month of all months! Cause it’s Xmas :D It’s also the chinese winter’s solstice so I made an epic 9-course dinner for my family.

# – Homemade 9-course Winter Solstice Dinner :D
winter solstice

As for Xmas, we held the Annual Xmas Party at The Davieses too. I made roast loins with crackling, roast chickens and roast pork belly. I didn’t manage any picture so am posting some nicked from friends.

# – Roast chicken.

# – Meringues with cream and berries.

# – Pork belly, skin roasted and meat braised with fennel and stock. This was so, so good am going to make it all the time, muahahahahaha.
pork belly

# – Roast loins with cracklings.

As usual, on Xmas morning hubs and I ripped open our presents for each other. I am really happy with mine, he’s done a great job this year :)

# – I got a brand new laptop (w00t!), 1.5 kilograms of gourmet jelly beans (wheeeeeee!), Chanel no 5 and Babyliss Miracurl (the best thing since sliced bread!!!!)

Me on the other hand, failed a bit with his gifts…

# – Nespresso machine, Lab Series facewash, phone casing and a shaver.

Well, the shaver made him bleed T_T and the phone casing…..well he dropped his phone this morning and the screen broke. FML.

But all is well now, we have changed the shaver to a better model and fixed his phone screen, haha.


To read about my highlights in previous years, click:

2011 (this one was a cheat, honestly was too broke saving for the house until no activities hahaha)


Me and babies.

The topic of having children have come up multiple times during my almost decade-old relationship with Gareth. Very early on, we decided that we would put off having children for as long as possible for a few reasons – too expensive, too inconvenient, too much work, too painful etc etc etc.

Our beliefs were further reinforced after we got Charlie, our dog. It was quite tough having Charlie at first. As a puppy, he pooped and peed everywhere, he vomited after every meal due to his fish allergy and he howled or barked the entire time he’s left alone at home. So many times I toyed with the idea of giving him away! Thanks to Charlie, we just naturally figured that having a human child would entail all those problems, times a million.

# – Wanted to throw this furry ball away when he was a puppy.

I was never good with babies or young children anyway. I didn’t find them particularly endearing. Sure, there had been kids who were just adorable and had managed to occupy my attention for more than 10 minutes, but I’d eventually lose interest. I actually dreaded going to baby full moon parties because I fear that the parents would expect me to carry their precious newborns!

If I saw a friend pushing a baby stroller in a mall or something, I would deliberate walk the opposite direction to avoid having conversations about babies.

Gareth, on the other hand, is far more accepting of having children. I knew very early on that despite my reservations, I will want to have babies for his sake, but on the condition that I get to cut it out of my belly while I was 100% knocked out. Yeap, “cut it out”. Verbatim.

I also accidentally exclaimed to a then-acquaintance-now-friend, that I will only go for c-sections because I do not want a mangled vagina. This friend, upon hearing those words that came out of my mouth, told me, very stoically, that she does not have a mangled vagina after giving birth naturally to 4 beautiful kids. I felt like a twat.

Honestly, I really didn’t think my perceptions of having children would change but….

Recently, I’ve been strangely drawn to reading mother forums. I get excited when I see expensive used designer strollers being sold for cheap on Facebook. I think about children’s names a lot. I tell Gareth things like we’re going to eschew formula and feed our babies with my milk/cow’s milk. I rack my brains over how to mosquito-proof babies. I look forward to seeing my colleague’s baby girl’s pictures on her Facebook. I get fascinated by stories of different parenting methods.

No, no, no. I’m not pregnant. We haven’t even started trying. Although I would really love to.

# – With a friend’s adorable son at our wedding.

From years of not wanting to have babies to suddenly feeling like I need to be pregnant, now. Of course, I get unusually worried about my chances of getting pregnant. I wish I had taken care of my body better. I get very sad when my period gets really painful (which it does every damn month) because I fear it’s a sign that something’s wrong with me. Gareth told me to stop being so negative and let nature takes its course. Besides, should things get difficult, there’s always IVF.

While writing this blog post, Gareth suddenly messaged me and gave me the link to this adorable video of a kid’s stick figure halloween costume.

I can’t even!!! I want to buy a lot of LED lights.