Sisi and Brad the shih tzus.

So I was back at my parents over the weekends. Got to see the other two shih tzus, Sisi and Brad. Sisi’s put on some weight but we’re determined to fatten her up even more…she’s still too boney. I blame it on the stupid pet shop owner (Pet Save in Pandan Indah) who has not a single clue about dogs. My mom, being very new to caring for a dog had followed her ill advice to a t (ie: only feeding 2 tiny portions of kibbles to a growing puppy wtf). Poor Sisi, we had no idea. Luckily, vet said she’s healthy in spite of her weight.

Sisi needs a haircut.

Brad is healthy with glossy black and white hair. He’s even bigger than Sisi now despite being the youngest of the lot. He’s awesome with very even temperament.

Brad the brat.

Can’t wait to see them two again.

Brad and Sisi
Brad and Sisi.

Brad and Sisi.
Can you tell which is which?