We are just a speck on a sand.

How appropriate is it to blog excitedly about a loved one’s birthday and meeting Spice Girls’ Mel B on such a day?

Yes, today is my little brother’s 19th birthday and also the day I got to meet a bonafide celebrity.

But it’s also a day of sadness and fear as we watch Japan, a nation considered most well-prepared to face Mother Nature’s wrath, brought down to its knees.

I don’t know whether this melancholy I’m feeling is for Japan or for the nagging truth that our days are numbered?

We are insignificant :(

Quality Street, fugu and Dionne Warwick.

I’m going on a diet. Feeling like a tub of lard, looking like it also. Where’s my chin?

Was supposed to buy shoes and ended up getting this instead.

Quality Street.

Quality Street.

I am hopeless.


Spent the whole weekend hanging out with the boo, doing absolutely nothing. We checked out Gardens. It was still under renovation, the smell of paint stripper gave me a mild headache.

And we found this Japanese restaurant that serves fugu!!!! I was so excited over it (still am, actually) but I was too full to eat a full course fugu meal. Absolutely going to try it next time and if I’m still alive by then, you will see a blog post dedicated to it.


I’m going to see Dionne Warwick tonight at the Shang. ZOMG, exciting!

++ Update ++

Just read a post from PreciousPea about eating fugu at Gardens. I think it’s the same restaurant. To be honest, I don’t think they’re serving real fugu, from the looks of it. From what I know, an obvious effect of eating fugu flesh is numbness on the tongue, but that is missing from the the blogger’s narration. And they’re even serving fugu liver…wtf…wiki said it’s ILLEGAL to serve the liver in Japan cause it’s so fucking toxic.

Real or fake fugu? RM 150 is way too much to pay for a fake thrill. I think I’m more inclined to try The Real McCoy in Japan now.