I tell you, it seems like the universe is conspiring against me when it comes to blogging. First, my long time camera just stopped performing.
# – Abused and used.

I mean it still take pictures and all but every picture has a faint line across it and the screen is basically purple now, thanks to hubby sitting on it on a drunken stupor. We’ve used it for almost 3 years? I’m not too sure it seems a looooooooong time and we’ve certainly gotten our money worth.
# – Purple.

But all is well, we’ve bought the Canon G12. I wanted a camera with flip camera for easy camho so I was thinking of getting the G1X, but after trying it…it’s macro capability is basically laughable. 20cm is not macro, I mean if I had shorter arms I probably wouldn’t be able to camho with it WTF? Stupid.
So we decided to go one generation back with the G12…smaller, can take closeups so close it’s crazy and best of all, a lot cheaper. Very happy with the purchase and hopefully, I will start blogging more actively again.
# – One of the 1st test shots with the G12 – flip camera for perfect camho yay!

Besides not having a camera that works properly, I was also bogged down by a lot of wedding planning. It’s quite crazy how consuming researching about wedding is. I mean, I sat down thinking I’d give it an hour browsing through vendors and stuff but when I looked at my watched, 5 hours gone. Just like that.
One thing I’ve come to conclusion is that wedding not only takes up your money….it takes up A LOT of time too.
# – Speaking of wedding AND money, have chosen my wedding band. Here it is with my engagement ring. Platinum with more bling teehehehe cause they are forever mah (p/s: See how close I can get with my camera!)

# – G’s band is actually exactly like mine, only without the rocks.
Anyway, we’re collecting the rings in a month, so, so, so excited!!!
I know I’ve neglected blogging, but I’ve also neglected cooking too for the same reasons – no camera and no time :P
So with the new camera, cooking mood instantly comes back! So decided to share a Toad in the Hole recipe.
Why is it called Toad in the Hole? No idea. How do English people come up with names like Spotted Dicks, Pork Scratchings and Bubble & Squeaks?
The chinese always call their foods majestic names, no matter how disgusting they are but the english name theirs after genitalia, unattractive habits and slimy animals. Weirdos.
Anyway, toad in the hole is basically sausages baked in yorkshire pudding. OMFG right?
# – Toad in the Hole.

The ingredients:
115 grams of flour
290 ml of milk
3 eggs
A pinch of salt
6-10 good quality sausages
Cooking Oil
#1 – First, mix flour, milk, eggs and salt in a bowl.

#2 – Whisk hard until combined. This is your yorkshire pudding batter. Leave to stand for 30 minutes.

#3 – Heat up oil in a roasting tin (just about cover the bottom) in a preheated oven at 210 degrees celcius. Don’t put too much oil (my picture shows too much oil, I had to pour it out in the end :P) or you’ll get soggy puddings.

#4 – When oil is smoking, dump the sausages in. I recommend that you thaw the sausages out first, frozen’s fine but it is SCARY! Close oven door quick! Will be quite smokey at this point too…

#5 – Turn the sausages all the time to brown evenly. After about 10 minutes, pour the yorkshire pudding batter straight into the roasting tin. Then quickly close the oven door and never open again for 20 minutes. As it is a complex manuever, I didn’t take picture but this is the sight after 20 mins. Puffed up magnificently!

#6 – Toad in the hole, DONE!

#7 – Serve with a dollop of wholegrain mustard and onion gravy (recipe in next post, very easy to make).

Till the next post, hopefully not too far away. Have a good week!