My 10 #confessionsofamom

I have already posted this #confessionsofamom that has been going around on Dayre on my account. Thought I would replicate it here.

And so I have unceremoniously plagiarised my own content for this blog. Hehehehe.

1. I only give Liam a bath every 2 days since he was born. Coz his paed said it’s okay and I am far too lazy to do it everyday.

You should give me more baths mommy cause I love it!

2. I hardly feed Liam’s fresh food. I blitz them into mush and freeze them and just break off a piece whenever I cook his porridge.

Frozen vege mush.

3. Speaking of his food, Liam still hasn’t tasted meat or fish. I just squeeze oil out of fish oil pills or put a couple of teaspoons of coconut/olive oil into his porridge to compensate for the healthy fats :P

What do you mean I am a vegetarian!?

4. I have pretended to sleep till Gareth had to wake up to rock Liam to sleep when he was a newborn.

Haven’t always been this peaceful.

5. After he was born, I didn’t want to see Liam yet cause I wasn’t “feeling it” but husband forced me to cause he believes mom and child should meet immediately if not within 24 hours. I am glad he forced me.

6. Our walking path is on a small hill accessible by stairs at a distance. But am too lazy, so I just tread up the side of the hill to get to walking path, while wearing Liam.

What the hell mom? Use the damn stairs!!!!

7. I hate cutting Liam’s nails so I don’t do it very often. I wish I could let him wear mittens till he’s old enough to cut his own nails.

8. I don’t really read to Liam (coz he keeps trying to eat them books wtf) but I try to speak to him like an adult (no babytalk) to make up for his lack of hmm intellectual advantage.

9. I listen to really loud EDM even when baby’s around. I should probably chill on this.

10. Did a number 2 when Liam was 3 months old while baby wearing him.

Okay, I actually don’t have time to look for an accompanying picture for every confession. So, lets just end with this one:

You’ve been a very naughty mummy.