I’m a porcelain princess.

Okay, I haven’t managed to get to download pictures from my camera yet so you’ll have to contend with yet another half arsed blog post from me. At least I won’t be posting up terrible pictures from my phone in this one.

Sometimes, the planets align in a magnificent way. Relaxing at home, perfect humidity levels, moderate temperature, fresh toilet rolls and clear, ferocious tap water – all the makings of an almost perfect setting for a major poopage session. To some people, perfection entails perhaps a smoke. Some, a newspaper or cheesy paperback. For myself, it’s cool porcelain against my skin.

I do love my books while I’m at it but I could never, ever poop with the toilet seat down. It’s either nothing (work those glutes!) or cool, clean porcelain please.

When I was younger, I used to read magazines and there’s this one matter that regularly cropped up whenever the topic of what women can’t stand about men was discussed – men not putting the toilet seats down after peeing (or in other variation – not putting the toilet seat up when peeing). For years, I was bewildered by that particular peeve because I simply could not comprehend why it was such a bad thing.

Sad to say, it just never occurred to me that people actually use the toilet seat, which I had vehemently believed existed for the sole purpose of preventing little children from falling into the toilet bowl. While I’ve accepted that some people like to sit over a toilet seat to conduct their businesses, I on the other hand still have not acquired the pleasure of having warm plastic pressed against my buttocks.

Any toilet habit quirk out there to share?

10 thoughts on “I’m a porcelain princess.”

  1. As a guy, I always put the seat up after finishing my business (big or small). I think it’s the appropriate thing to do coz if i don’t, water (clean or not) will get on it and will definitely cause the next user some discomfort.

    So ladies, I think if the seat is up..it’s a bonus….just my 2 cents.

  2. When ever I flush I MUST watch it flush everything away. I think it’s coz I watched the movie “IT” when I was still young and so impressionable. *sigh* good times lols…

  3. omg! and i thought i’m the only girl who prefers the seat up! lol! finally got kaki.. so i’m not that weird afterall. :P

  4. but kimberlycun the underside of the porcelain rim is sooooo dirtyyyy if you see it you wont put your butt there anymore!!! when i was younger i used to have exactly the same confusion as you, until i had to help my mom wash the toilet bowl one day and was like OMFG

  5. Well that’s the first time I heard of anyone preferring not to use the seat!

    One thing I never get is this whole ‘Guys need to put the seat down thing’. I mean, you could just as well say ‘Women should always lift the seat up’, so it’s more convenient for the next guy to come along …

  6. i don’t use the toilet seat too! and i’m female!
    plus i need to bend over to read my mag placed on the floor!

  7. vincent: haha pls aim properly though!

    glo-w: that’s very good habit. the worst thing for a user is to stumble upon floating logs!!!

    dy: give me *5 haha

    suertes: hey im not the only one!

    LSA: what u cant see can’t hurt u hehehe

    ky: hehe i have pooped in japanese toilets :D

    julian: i feel the same way! haha

    seatless: hahahah you part about reading the mag on the floor that’s funny!

    lex: i <3 japanese toilets too hehe

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