Itā€™s not about you, Iā€™m just jealous!

Another argument over the same issue. How the fuck am I supposed to explain why Iā€™m jealous. I just bloody am. Am I insecure? I donā€™t know, maybe. Truth is, itā€™s not even about you. But it would have hurt if I had said that, wouldnā€™t it?

I think women are just generally competitive, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. Weā€™re constantly comparing, who have better hair, who have leaner arms, whoā€™s got a better personality, whoā€™s more intelligent and the list goes on forever. Itā€™s just something that we do, consciously or unconsciously.

Sometimes, you donā€™t even know this person but you develop a dislike towards her, just because she has better hair and she flirts like a ho (although nobody sees through that except you!) and then, you build on the dislike from snippets of accounts by other people who had contact with this person. And BAM, a fresh villain is born!

But you know itā€™s jealousy. I know itā€™s jealousy and it is unwarranted. But 99% of the time I just let my inner bitch goes around her own business as long as she doesnā€™t screw up my day-to-day life. That is till your boyfriend/husband or good friend decides to fuel your jealousy. ā€œHey, that girlā€™s got nice hairā€.

I went fucking livid. ā€œShut up, I donā€™t want to hear her being talked about favourably in our houseā€. ā€œWhy, Iā€™m just stating a fact. Sheā€™s got nice hair. Youā€™re with me and I want only youā€. War ensues.

You get my gist?

Of course, this is not just about hair, itā€™s only a hypothetical situation. I donā€™t expect men to understand that, especially not self-absorbed men. But ladies, do you get this as well?

Dr. House was the daft prince!

I had just finished watching an episode of Blackadder 3 and waited long enough for the credit to roll by. Then I spotted a familiar name, Hugh Laurie.

So I googled the name and guess what I found, Dr. House! No wonder itā€™s so familiar, Dr. House was the daft prince regent!

Blackadder, Baldrick and Prince Regent.

Dr. Gregory House

Canā€™t believe I had completely no idea. Just something I felt like sharing. Heh.

Why so few comments?

Okay, this is probably going to piss off a lot of people. But I need to know, where are the comments!?

Itā€™s really frustrating, I know for a fact that there are people reading my blog. I can see from my sitemeter and the page views but yet, the comments are grossly lacking.

Yeah, I suppose one might say that I should be blogging for myself and therefore the number of comments should be secondary. But no, no, no, I always tell people (who care to ask) the reason why I love blogging is the interaction! When thereā€™s no interaction on my blog posts, itā€™s really dreadful to write another post. Especially after Iā€™ve put in so much time editing pictures and reorganising my thoughts for a post but all I get in return is nothing more than a count on the sitemeter.

As simple as it sounds, the reason why Iā€™m still here is the comments. How do you feel when you wake up everyday, check your comments and find only spam comments or the odd self-whoring comment? Itā€™s very discouraging, you know.

Tell me, Iā€™m willing to listen, why did I use to get more comments but itā€™s so damn difficult nowadays? Is my blog getting uninteresting or are you guys just getting lazier? Cā€™mon, be brutal with me!

Oh who am I kidding, this post will probably have zero comments anyway!