You know in ancient China, B.O. was sought after? Smell me.

Majorly cranky now. No water supply since 12am last night. I can’t make supper. I’ve OD-ed on stale popcorns. I’m sticky. I’m menstruating. I don’t care if it reminds me of teh tarik, just give me water. Now.

I haven’t been blogging religiously lately. I’m a busy girl, ok? Well, the truth is I have recently entered into a new phase of life where I’ve gotten myself some fun people for friends, some kindred spirit and where internet connection is scarce (at least till Monday). I can honestly say that at this moment, I thoroughly dig my life. Okay, almost thorougly. Water, humour me!

Shaolin Kung Fu show was awesome. Monks were really cute too. Rosy cheeks and tight bodies. Too bad they were stunted. I took a pic with the most gorgeous one. Will post later. The show’s like magic, only they were real. The only reason David Blaine would deserve his enormous fame is by licking his own arse. Nuf’ said.

I’ve been eating as though I have skinny genes. That’s stupid behaviour by yours truly. Xmas and NYE are approaching and looking super hot is pertinent. Have to remind self to stop indulging in maggi goreng ayam, ramly burger special and cheese tarts. I want more exercise. I need more exercise.

I have a naggy feeling about my accountings. I hope I pass. I must pass.

Fuck…why am I even contemplating?

Cause you skipped too many Monday classes, Kim?

Hrmph. Fuck you, I’m invincible.

Compiling a list of resolutions for 2005. They must be realistic and attainable.

++ Edit ++

Gorgeous monk. Ooh la la.

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