Phew, Urgh, Yay, Urgh

I almost didn’t manage to hand in my paper. The deadline was 5pm and I only arrived at 5.10pm and the buggers were having a meeting so I actually waited for them til 5.45pm. Luckily for me, it was the sweet lady I know who came out 1st so she gave me a cheeky grin and stamped my paper. Phew. I vow never to ever procrastinate.

When I got home, Mom wanted me to accompany my dad to his cousin’s siung tau (It’s a ceremony held on the eve of a wedding where an elderly person who has a good marriage, good kids, big fat wallet or whatever would comb the groom’s hair to sort of channel his luck to him) ceremony. *groan* I did not sleep for the past 24 hrs. I obliged anyway..for free food.

Then Jayna unexpectedly called me up for some overdue Thai Club session. I almost squealed in delight. So we left early and Dad fetched both of us there. Shweeet……I danced and danced and danced. But after 3 beers I was snoring on the table or so I’ve been told. Got home at barely 1am. Okay Jayn, me loser. Hahahahaha.

This morning I woke up with my hair all dishevelled. Bad hair day..argh.

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