No fitting title.

I slept and missed a dinner date with Tutz and the gang. Feeling guilty. I could be such a thoughtless bitch sometimes.

I miss him so much it delivers blow to my chest, literally. Regular readers would have noticed that I haven’t been blogging about him lately. Well, not that things between him and I have changed, but it’s just that I don’t want to be reminded of his absence. We actually came to a mutual agreement 2 months ago that we would cease to contact each other everyday for the sake of the relationship. I guess in some ways I have gained control of my mind. Instead of being depressive about the current circumstances, I have convinced myself to be contented as I have found a person that is truly compatible with me at every level; morally, musically, politically, spiritually, intellectually, socially and the list goes on. Yes, things are not as rosy as I like now but they will pass and on a forseeable one day we will be together without any obstacle.

To know that you feel the same, is a three-fold Utopian dream…

*Incubus – I Miss You

Sin Loo is back from Sabah and I’m so happy. Going to meet her tomorrow, hrmm I mean later. Fetching her to some government office near my college. She’s gotten herself a BAT scholarship. Way to go girl!

Why am I still awake? You see, I left my phone in the car. It’s raining heavily and very dark so I dared not venture out to retrieve it. But I have to wake up early in the morning and I have no alarm cause you see, the alarm is actually my phone. So I decide to stay awake than oversleep. Now you know I’m mad like that.

And guess what, before I started to blog, I actually found my phone. Sandwiched between some books. Now you know I’m really just dumb.