Do Men Think About Weddings?

I attended the wedding of a long-time friend, Wild Fish (party girl with amazing alcohol tolerance, whom, by the way, I shall address as Ex-Wild Fish now) last weekend. Yes, I felt completely happy for Ex-Wild Fish and her husband, even got myself a bit misty-eyed witnessing the once tumultuous relationship entering a strange realm. However, from the moment I reached home, sentimental thoughts miraculously evaporated, I started picking the wedding apart, scrutinising it bit by bit and made a list of “What Not to Do at My Wedding”.

Every wedding is a lesson in progress. You could learn a range of things from what dress to wear to which bridal shop to avoid to which hotel offers the best banquet packages. At Ex-Wild Fish’s, I learnt to never allow Celine Dion to creep into my wedding song playlist.


While I’ve confirmed with The Girls (several of my closest girlfriends) that my fascination with planning my yet-to-happen wedding is absolutely normal, I can’t help but wonder whether men share the same fascination. As I stole glances at Man Child, in his chequered shirt and jeans that completely clashed with my green halter neck pixie dress, I felt the urge to ask him, “Do you like Celine Dion?”. Man Child, unaware of my battle, continued staring at his bowl of shark’s fin soup while everybody else was digging in. Him probably fighting another battle of his own.

Anyway, on one fine evening, I was watching the television, completely relaxed while sipping a glass of 100 Plus and Cointreau. My head was resting on Man Child’s shoulder and he was fiddling with his laptop. There were numerous windows on the screen with words and numbers that I couldn’t comprehend and wouldn’t want to comprehend anyway. Suddenly, he spoke.

“You know, die-die also cannot play Celine Dion at our wedding”.


This post appeared first on moNSTerblog.

Naming our children.

You know when your relationship reaches a certain stage, and you have nothing else to talk about with each other so you eventually discuss about names. Baby names. Names that you would like to give to the children from the combination of your loins.

BF says:
read this

sunny^kimberly says:
walaneh a bit scary!

BF says:

sunny^kimberly says:

sunny^kimberly says:
that’s what im gonna name our child b

BF says:

BF says:

BF says:
i wanna call daughter pennywise

BF says:
the stephen king clown

sunny^kimberly says:

sunny^kimberly says:

sunny^kimberly says:
freaky and pennywise

BF says:

Mom told me that she and Dad discussed about naming their children Cun So Hai and Cun So Lan. So yeah, I think the bf and I are very kind people.

Of maturity and travelling style.

I used to be told that I had an old soul. Apparently I was mature beyond my age and all that jazz. Could be dirty old men’s trick to get into my crisp white sloggi’s but there were women who said that too so….

Thing is, you can’t help but grow up when you felt that there was nobody you could depend on. Although it is inherently childish to believe that you could never depend on anyone, not even your family and friends, ironically with such a mindset, you perceptions toward other things in general would inevitably mature. At least it was like that for me, my childishness somehow gave way for ideas and thoughts to grow (regrettably my breasts did not benefit from such circumstance).

Today, that artificial maturity has been replaced by a new attitude forged from a multitude of bittersweet experience. The weirdest thing is, instead of feeling older, I’ve never felt younger. I suppose anyone would feel young as soon as they allow themselves to a bit of fun and are okay with laughing at themselves. I reckon it’s not that easy to develop a healthy sense of self-deprecation otherwise they will be more happier people around!

It took me about 5 years of misery with intermittent short-lived happiness before I chose to be contented with my current state. Buckets of tears later, I was finally able to connect the dots; the missing links were simply, self-love.

When you’re loving yourself, oh my gawd, things just get bloody damn good because you’re no longer doing things against your wish! Other people sense that and they stop treating you like a doormat. You start to have better relationships with people because since they’re no longer shortchanging you, they also seem more aesthetically pleasing to you. You also start to look more pleasant because you’ve lost the frown or that hollowness in your eyes. You’re able to accept failures as part of life and instead of being so hard on yourself, you channel the energy into making things better. You know, all those things along the way like that.

I am by no means completely happy, but I’m getting there. To even think that I was in a phase where taking my own life seems so much more attractive :P

Anyway, Jayna has gotten a new job with a reputable bank and I’m so pleased for her. My girl’s going to go far in life, I just know it. The bf is making plans for a little weekend getaway. We’re probably going to stuff ourselves with food again as usual and I’m getting very excited already.

You know what they say, if you needed to find out whether you’re compatible with your partner, take a trip together. Be pleased if you’re comfortable with each other’s travelling style, as that would mean half a battle won.