Macaron Attempt Episode 1

I had gotten a bag of ground almonds at a steal last weekend. All I could think about was macarons. I made them, I was very clear about the flavours…I wanted After Eight inspired macarons.

I whipped some melted dark chocolates and cream for the most decadent chocolate ganache filling.

My macarons actually didn’t look half bad out of the oven. They were puffy and more than half had feet! I was thrilled. The peppermint scent emitted was simply gorgeous.

# – Peppermint macarons.

I let them cool down. Then I began the process of assembling the macaron sandwiches. A big smile across my face. I gently eased my thumb and index finger around a macaron. Lifted my fingers and….

CRAP. Bugger was stuck. I tried another one….stuck. All of them were stuck. I started sobbing. Yeap, I broke down. I cried like a dumbass.

Dramatic? You wouldn’t understand until you got a decent batch of macarons and they got stuck to your waxed paper.

# – I pried and pried. But to no avail :(

Lessons learnt:

1. Grease the damn paper.
2. Go easy on the peppermint essence, it’s a macaron, not breath mints!
3. Never ever, ever have too high an expectation at your first try at making macarons.

Thanks for reading.

32 thoughts on “Macaron Attempt Episode 1”

      1. never mind lah… i’m quite impressed you even dared to try making this. i would never in a hundred years bother to attempt macarons, not with my miserable baking skills.

          1. cooking’s a completely different thing leh hahaha. i honestly hate waiting nervously by the oven to see what it turns out… quite inconsistent one compared to cooking (where you can tweak as you go so it’s ok). baking is like a very frustrating chemistry lesson sometimes… once it fucks up it’s unsalvageable. people with no patience like moi can’t take that! eh post up macarons episode 2 soon, wanna see how your next attempt turns out! i’m sure it’ll be awesome :D

  1. What did you do with the broken macarons? Macaron crumble, macaroon pie? I saw this happen on a masterchef episode. The pastry chef’s recommendation was to put the tray in the freezer a for few minutes. It worked but too late to be telling you!

  2. Awwww…hugs.. I’m sure you will be successful the next time! I know that feeling of frustration when experiencing a not-so-nice baking adventure

  3. Macarons are very tricky and one of the hardest things to make right first time – which is why I haven’t even dared to attempt this. Well done for trying! I’m sure you will be a macaron expert in no time :)

  4. That’s what I like about your blog, you show your failures as well as the successful ones, I admire that. I would have mashed them up with some cream and served, lol, or put them into a homemade ice cream recipe as I like crunchy bits in my ice cream! I also think you must have purchased the same paper as me, I made bread the other day and it stuck like bloody cement to the paper…tasted okay though, lol.
    I’m sure next time everything will work out fine!

    1. thank you! i wish i was calm enough to think of doing that with the ruined macarons haha. i was so upset i just stomped over to the bin and tip everything in -_- as for the paper…damn it i think i’m going to get rid of them!

      1. for the paper, just rub some olive oil, messy I know and kinda defeats the purpose….I wonder what those silicone trays are like, ever tried them? Or you using them…lol

        1. thanks for the tip. already rub cooking oil onto the paper for my 2nd try lol, they’re actually resting now to form shells /cross fingers. silicon trays work brilliantly but you can’t draw circles on them lol

  5. i tried too :( it look so awesome until .. it stucked on the damned paper. since then i never try making macaroons anymore. = =

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