My first NuffNang ad!

Finally, I got my lazy arse around to move my NuffNang banner up from its previous position. In less than 3 days, I’ve already gotten my first ad.

Perak Hotel in Singapore. I’ve only just realised that the colours of the ad blend in with my blog too. Cool!

So people, please heed Tim’s advice, do bring the banner up!

Thanks Tim, Ming and co. You guys are doing a great job…keep it up!

p/s: One word for Speed Zone Tour 2007. AWESOME. So awesome in fact, I feel sorry for those who didn’t go or couldn’t get the tickets (sold out before clock struck 8pm). 13,300 people were there to party, and only 7300 of them had tickets. So yes, that means 6000 of the revellers were actually dancing outside the vicinity of the party. IT WAS GOOD SHIT ALL THE WAY. Pictures soon!