It’s Friday. Paper’s passed up. Period’s over. Oh Thai Club, tonight I shall embrace you with open arms and open mind. *Looking up to the sky* You better not rain, bitch. is going to impose fees from 20th December. Well, I don’t even want to begin to justify it because these shitty mega corporations are going to draw blood from you anyway in spite of protest. The most they would do is lower the fees and I’m not going to go through with that either.

So I tried to unsubscribe, but there’s no such feature as described in FAQ. I called them up and they say it won’t work until 20th December itself when the ‘system upgrading’ takes place. What buffalo’s poop. If I insist on unsubcribing though, I could do so at the nearest branch *matherfarkers*. Anyway, there would be some kind of popoup terms and condition on that day itself and you could choose to go ahead or stay with them bloodsuckers. Fine by me, as long as they don’t try to trick you like Astro did.

I’ve bought Bridget Jones 2 (Yeah, shoot me so I dig pirated cds). The 1st movie was awesome. I hope the second one is as good, if not better. I want to read the books too, as I’ve been told that they are much better than the movies. Yeah, and I’ve already found someone with the books. Yay.

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